Returns & Refunds

Last Modified:

August 26, 2024

Refund Policy

At Priczone, we are committed to customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a refund within 14 days of receiving your order.

Refunds are processed under our guidelines, which are designed to be fair and consistent for all our customers.

Refund Processing Time

Once we issue a refund, the processing time for the funds to be available in your account depends on your payment method:

Refund Method Refund Time (After Refund Is Processed)
Credit card Three to five business days
Debit card Up to 10 business days
Checking account Up to 10 business days
Pre-paid credit card Up to 30 days (depending on the issuer of the card)

Return Policy

Items can be returned within 14 days of receipt. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, in the same condition that you received it, and in its original packaging.

Note: This will be updated via the Returns & Refunds page and on your Account’s Page when the order status changes to “Return” or “Refund”.

Please note that certain types of items may not be returnable, or may have specific return policies. Check each product listing it will state clearly if it is not a returnable item.  Mostly, items that are labeled, “Used” are not returnable or refundable.

Return Process

You can find our Return Addresses on your account section by clicking the expandable Details Tab and then clicking Return Addresses.

Please follow the instructions provided to ensure a smooth return process. If you have any questions, our customer service team is here to help.

Partial Refunds

Please note that refunds may be reduced for returned items, such as for signs of customer use or damage, or missing parts, accessories, or manuals. The following are examples of potential partial refund scenarios:

    • Items in original condition past the return window: 80% of the item price
    • Opened CDs, DVDs, etc.: 50% of the item price
    • Items with damage, missing parts, not in original condition: Up to 50% of the item price

Additional Information

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